About ME

I attended my first Reiki Healing course in 2004 and have since that been taking courses and education in these Spiritual and alternative disciplines, as to running my own courses and workshops.  



Psychic Development. 

Soul contract. 

Shamanic energy training, The Inca Tradition in Peru.

Reiki Healing.

SpaMassage therapist.

Personal Development. 

Meditation and Conscious breathing. 

Coaching and Readings. 


Working as a Medium, Mentor and Intuitive Life and Soul Reader, I tend to meet my clients on their journey where they need a little guiding, it can be life advice or on a more Soul insigth level where they wish to reconnect with their own spiritual path and development.  

Whatever the reason, I believe everybody have a chance to change their life if they are offered the help to realize how they can change their minds if they start to acknowledge their own inner wisdom and truth.  

These situations can come across differently, my job is to help my clients either it be communication with passed loved ones or with their own life, to help them believe that they can access the knowledge and power within themselves to accomplish whatever they are caught up in and find their way again.  

Sometimes hearing from a passed loved one can be the only words a client needs to make sense of his or her life again.  


Don't worry if you are not quite sure what Reading will be most beneficial for you upon booking, just make a note about it, we will work it out together.  


Please feel free to contact me for any questions, bookings or price and payment.  

I will get back to you as soon as possible. 

Thank you.  



Please read ! 

- I do not do any predictions.

- I do not read into peoples energies if they are not present at the moment of a reading. 

- I do not under any circumstances talk about Health. 

- I am obligated to work under the law of Duty of Confidentiality, Ethical & moral guidelines within the alternative community. 

- My way of working and teaching are from my point of view and personal philosophy which is my truth, but not THE truth. 

- I MUST STRESS that you seek professional AID in physical or psychological   situations, concerning life or dead. 

- I do not discuss religious beliefs. 

Thank you for understanding!